
Best Places To Install Outdoor Security Cameras

When deciding where to install an outdoor security camera, it can be difficult to find the right location for your needs. You want to make your camera visible to prevent break-ins, but highlighting areas of your property that are not being monitored by potential burglars isn't easy. You can try to hide your camera, but your camera is no longer a barrier. However, you don't need to throw away the monitored property to keep thieves out. By intelligently placing your security cameras where they are needed most and using other security methods, you can keep your home and business safe.
Below are the best places to mount security cameras outdoors.

1. Backyard
Your backyard is a great opportunity for thieves. By definition, your park is far from the highway. This means neighbors and street lights are not available to prevent break-ins. Also, the entrance to your backyard is often less secure than the front door. You may have a broken or cracked sliding glass or screen door. Or, you may have windows that tend to be unlocked to let the breeze into your home. Even if home security isn't the main focus of your security camera, there's reason to keep an eye on your yard. Your garden or shed can be a place where wild animals can find a new home.

Doors may seem obvious, but most, if not all, front doors require some form of video surveillance. This is the easiest place for burglars to break into your home, especially if you accidentally left the door unlocked or unprotected. Any door that gives access to your home or business, such as a back door, front door, or side door, deserves to have a security camera nearby. While locked doors provide good protection from unwanted people, there is no point in opening them to reveal unwanted people. With a video doorbell you can see who is at one of your doors.

3Garage Or Parking Space
Thieves can do a lot of damage without ever breaking into your home or stealing your car. This makes your garage or parking space another great place to mount outdoor security cameras. By guarding this area, you can keep an eye on possible intruders who break into your home or business through your garage or behave recklessly.

4.Secret Entryways
If there is a hidden entrance to your home, consider having a security camera to monitor it. Intruders usually try to find the entrance in a way that passers-by or neighbors can't find, such as a walk-through. By pointing the camera in that direction, you can ensure that you're always looking at it, even if your neighbors or other household members can't see it. A basement window or door is another example of a hidden access point that needs to be monitored.

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